Month: July 2023

  • FC Peterborough v Great Yarmouth Town 29/7/2023

    FC Peterborough v Great Yarmouth Town 29/7/2023

    FC Peterborough v Great Yarmouth Town FC Peterborough v Great Yarmouth Town. Saturday 29th July 2023.   Report by Martin Baxter. For the first time in as long as anyone can remember Yarmouth got their season off to a start in July with the long journey up the A47 to FC Peterborough.  This was the first ever meeting between…

  • Referee course

    Referee course

    Referee Course Book onto the FA Referee Course next month in Great Yarmouth. #NorfolkFootball   Great Yarmouth Town FC Thursday 27th July & Sunday 30th July £135 Find out more…/01/23-24-fa-referee-courses